Frequently Asked Questions

Please find the answers to many frequently asked questions below.
If you have another question, please feel free to contact James directly here.

When will the second book for Hierarchy be released?

Hierarchy Book II - The Strength of the Few - will be released November 11, 2025. Please check the 'Updates' section of this website for the most up-to-date information and preorder links.

Are you on social media?

Yes. Kind of. You can certainly follow me on Twitter and/or Facebook... I don't post to either of these accounts frequently, but I'll still try and answer any questions or respond to any comments that come in via those sites.

Can I contact you?

Absolutely. I always enjoy hearing from readers, and I try to reply to everyone who contacts me (though depending on deadlines, it may be quite a while before you get a response). You can get in touch with me via the aforementioned social media sites, or send me a message directly over here.

Are you on Goodreads?

I am.

Do you have a blog?

Yes - though again, I don't tend to update it terribly often. It's currently on Goodreads, and you can read it over here.

Where can I buy The Shadow of What Was Lost?

The paperback is now available in bookstores, and can also be purchased online via Amazon or Barnes & Noble. You can buy the Kindle version on Amazon here (as well as read the first six chapters as a sample). The ebook is also available on most other digital platforms.

The audiobook, narrated by Michael Kramer, is currently available via Audible.