Hierarchy - glossaries and maps

For a full-sized version of the map of the Catenan Republic, please click here.
For a full-sized version of the map of Solivagus, please click here.

Glossaries for The Will of the Many

Below are lists of characters, locations and other terms found in The Will of the Many, as well as a pronunciation guide. Please be aware that some elements of the story are referenced in the descriptions, so this list is generally meant for those who have completed the book.


Advenius Claudius (ahd-VEN-ee-us CLAW-dee-us): Father of Aequa. Governance senator who visits Vis at Villa Telimus.

Aequa Claudius (EE-kwah CLAW-dee-us): Class Four student at the Academy. Daughter of Advenius. Attended the naumachia with Vis.

Ascenia (ash-EN-ee-a): Septimus in charge of the stables at the Academy.

Atrox (AH-troks), Matron: Woman in charge of the orphanage at Letens.

Atticus (AHT-ik-us): Class Four student at the Academy.

Auctia (AWK-sha): Sextus and Dispensator of the Quiscil household.

Ava (AH-vah): Class Four student at the Academy.

Axien (AHK-see-en): Class Four student at the Academy.

Belli Volenis (BEH-lee voh-LEN-iss): Class Three student at the Academy. Known for her prowess at Foundation and running the Labyrinth.

Brixia (BRIK-sha): A child from the orphanage in Letens.

Caeror Telimus (SEE-roar TELL-ee-muss): Brother to Ulciscor. Killed during the Iudicium at the Academy several years ago.

Callidus Ericius (CAHL-id-us er-EE-see-us): Class Seven student at the Academy.

Carinza (cah-RIN-zah) / Cari (CAH-ree): Vis’s younger sister, princess of Suus.

Cassia (CAH-see-ah): Class Four student at the Academy.

Cristoval (KRIS-toh-vahl), King: Vis’s father, king of Suus.

Diago (dee-AH-go): Vis’s birth name, and also the name he gives to the alupi he saves as a pup on Solivagus.

Drusus Corani (DROO-sus cawr-AHN-ee): Class Seven student at the Academy.

Dultatis (dool-TAH-tis), Praeceptor: Teacher in charge of Class Six at the Academy.

Eidhin Breac (EYE-din BRAK): Class Six student at the Academy.

Ellanher (EL-an-her): Woman in charge of the fights at the Letens Theatre.

Emissa Corenius (em-EE-sah kor-EN-ee-us): Class Three student at the Academy.

Estevan (ESS-teh-vahn): Also known as Melior, leader of the Anguis. Former advisor to King Cristoval, and former tutor to Vis.

Exesius (eks-EE-see-us), Princeps: Princeps of Military.

Fadrique (fah-DREE-kay): Former advisor to King Cristoval, and former tutor to Vis. Current steward of Suus under the Hierarchy.

Felix (FELL-iks): Class Four student at the Academy.

Feriun (FEHR-ee-un): Class Four student at the Academy.

Ferrea (FEHR-ee-ah), Praeceptor: Teacher in charge of Class Seven at the Academy.

Gaius Valerius (GUY-us vah-LEER-ee-us): Physician who tests Vis’s blood after the naumachia.

Gaufrid (GAW-frid): Bookkeeper for bets on fights at the Letens Theatre.

Hospius (HOSS-pee-us): The fake name Ulciscor uses at Letens Prison.

Hrolf (ROLF): The Septimus in charge of Letens Prison, under whom Vis is employed.

Ianix (YAN-iks): Class Six student at the Academy.

Idonia (id-OHN-ya): Ellanher’s “cousin” at the Letens Theatre.

Indol Quiscil (IN-dole KEY-skil): Class Three student at the Academy. Son of Dimidius Quiscil of Military.

Iro Decimus (EYE-roe DEK-ee-mus): Class Three student at the Academy. Younger sister killed during the attack on the naumachia.

Kadmos (KAHD-moss): Dispensator in charge of running Villa Telimus. Former head of the Azriat in Sytrece.

Lanistia Scipio (lah-nis-TEE-ah SKIP-ee-oh): Tutor to Vis during his time at Villa Telimus. Assisting Ulciscor in his search to find the truth about Caeror’s death.

Lerius Telimus (LEHR-ee-us TELL-ee-muss): Ulciscor and Caeror’s father.

Lucius (loo-CHEE-us): Class Four student at the Academy.

Manius (MAH-nee-us), Proconsul: Catenan in charge of the Tensian province.

Marcellus (mar-KEL-us): Class Four student at the Academy.

Marcus Carcius (MAR-koos KAR-see-us): Assistant to Veridius at the Academy.

Menendo (men-EN-doe): The owner of the harbourside tavern in Suus.

Nateo (NAH-tee-oh): A Sapper-bound prisoner in Letens Prison.

Nequias (neh-KEY-us), Praeceptor: Teacher in charge of Class Three at the Academy.

Prav (PRAHV): Class Three student at the Academy.

Quiscil (KEY-skil), Magnus Dimidius:– Indol’s father.

Relucia Telimus (reh-loo-KEY-ah TELL-ee-muss): Ulciscor’s wife.

Scitus (SKEE-tus), Praeceptor: Teacher in charge of Class Four at the Academy.

Sedotia (seh-DOH-chee-ah): The name given by the Anguis agent who arranges the attack on Vis’s Transvect.

Sianus (see-AHN-us): Class Three student at the Academy.

Solum (SO-lum): The name given to all orphans in the Hierarchy.

Taedia (TAH-dee-ah), Praeceptor: Teacher in charge of Class Five at the Academy.

Tem (TEM): Class Four student at the Academy.

Titus (TYE-tuss): Class Four student at the Academy.

Ulciscor Telimus (ull-KEY-scor TELL-ee-muss): Senator who meets Vis at Letens Prison and ultimately offers him the chance to attend the Catenan Academy.

Ulnias Filo (ull-NIGH-us FEEL-oh): Physician at the Academy.

Valentina (vahl-en-TEE-nah): Class Four student at the Academy.

Veridius Julii (ver-id-EE-us YOOL-ee-eye): The Principalis, in charge of the Academy.

Vermes (VER-mez): A child from the orphanage in Letens.

Vis (VISS): The name adopted by Diago after he fled Suus.

Ysabel (EE-sah-bel): Vis’s older sister, princess of Suus.


Alupi (AH-loo-pie): Massive, intelligent wolf-like creatures indigenous to Solivagus.

Anchoring point: Stone monoliths used as infrastructure for Transvects.

Anguis (AN-gwiss): The group continuing to rebel against the Hierarchy.

Arventis (are-VEN-tiss): God of childbirth, prophecy, and luck.

Aurora Columnae (ow-ROAR-ah COLE-um-nigh): The pre-Cataclysm devices which enable people to cede Will.

Azriat (AHS-ree-at): The most prestigious learning institute in Sytrece.

Bibliotheca (bib-lee-oh-THEE-kah): Library.

Bireme: A military ship with two decks of oars.

Birthright: The set of Catenan laws designed to “honour life.”

Cede: The act, in the Hierarchy, of giving half your Will to someone ranked directly above you.

Censor: The Governance senator in charge of determining who can be nominated for the Senate.

Curia Doctrina (COO-ree-ah DOC-treen-ah): The main hall of the Academy.

Ferias (FAIR-ee-us): God of keys, doors, livestock, and ports.

Foundation: A popular strategic game in the Hierarchy, played with red and white triangular stones.

Iudicium (you-dih-KEY-um): The final test at the Academy for Class Three students, used to determine their rankings.

Jovan (YO-vahn): God of sky and thunder, the king of the gods.

Mira (MEER-ah): God of war and fighters, agricultural guardian.

Naumachia (now-MAH-key-ah): Gladiatorial battle taking place on ships, on an artificial lake. Participants are called Naumachiarii.

Ocaria (oh-KAH-ree-ah): Goddess of rivers.

Pletuna (pleh-TOON-ah): Goddess of autumn and the harvest.

Praeceptor (PRAY-kep-tor): Teacher status in the Academy.

Praetorium (pray-TOR-ee-um): Building housing the teachers’ offices at the Academy.

Quadrum (KWAD-rum): The large, central courtyard of the Academy.

Razor: The name for an obsidian blade forged by a Catenan officer.

Sere (SEH-ray): Goddess of spring, flowers, and fertility.

Silencium (sigh-LEN-key-um): Binding legal agreement in the Hierarchy to not speak of something.

Transvect (TRANS-vekt): Massive Will-powered transport devices.

Trireme: A large military ship with three decks of oars.

Vitaerium (vit-EYE-ree-um): Devices that can force-feed Will into any body or substance capable of decay.

Vorcian (VOR-key-an): God of volcanoes, deserts, the forge, and hard work.


Acharnae (ah-KAR-nigh): Small Sytrecian village.

Agerus (ah-GAIR-us): The region near Caten where the Necropolis is located.

Alta Semita (AHL-tah sem-EE-tah): A district of Caten.

Aquiria (ah-KEER-ee-ah): Small country bordering Suus. The country in which Vis officially claims he was born.

Aznaro’s (az-NAH-roe) Bluff: A cliff overlooking the ocean in Suus.

Butaria (boo-TAH-ree-ah): A sea-bound region to the west of Caten.

Cartiz (kar-TEEZ): The Aquirian capital, near which Vis claims he grew up.

Caten (cah-TEN): The capital of Deditia and of the Catenan Republic, considered to be the centre of the known world.

Catenan (cah-TEN-an) Academy: The Academy which Vis attends, located on the island of Solivagus.

Catenan (cah-TEN-an) Arena: The great stadium in Caten which can house up to one hundred thousand people.

Catenan (cah-TEN-an) Republic: The name used to describe any region governed by Caten’s laws.

Cymr (KYE-meer): Country to the south-west of Caten.

Deditia (deh-DEE-chee-ah): The region immediately surrounding Caten.

Deopolis (dee-OP-oh-liss): The capital of Sytrece.

Edaro (ed-AH-roe) River: A river in Aquiria.

Eldargo (el-DAR-go) Strait: The stretch of water separating Suus from Aquiria.

Esquilae (ESS-kil-igh): A district of Caten.

Ganice (GAH-niss): A Catenan territory.

Guridad (GOO-ree-dad), Port: An Aquirian trading town, located opposite Suus on the Eldargo Strait.

Jatiere (YAH-tee-air): Country whose treaty restricts Catenan ambassadors there from using Will.

Letens (leh-TENS): Capital of Tensia.

Letens (leh-TENS) Prison: The prison in which Vis works.

Lordan’s (lor-DAHN) Column: A famous landmark in Caten.

Luceum (loo-KEY-um): A mysterious place, usually referenced alongside Res and Obiteum.

Lyceria (ligh-KEER-ee-ah): A Catenan territory.

Masen (MAH-sen): A Catenan territory.

Necropolis (neh-KROP-oh-lis): A large area dedicated to the Catenan dead, located in the Agerus region.

Nyripk (NEER-ik): Desert-locked country far to the north-east.

Obiteum (oh-bit-EE-um): A mysterious place, usually referenced alongside Res and Luceum.

Praedium (PRIGH-dee-um): District of Caten.

Quus (COOS), Sea of: The sea on which both Solivagus and Caten are located.

Res (REZ): A mysterious place, usually referenced alongside Obiteum and Luceum.

Sarcinia (sar-KIN-ee-ah): District of Caten.

Solencio (sol-EN-see-oh) Beach: A beach in Suus.

Solivagus (soh-liv-AH-gus): Island on which the Academy is located.

Suus (SOOS): Vis’s island homeland.

Sytrece (sit-REES): Country to the east of Deditia.

Tensia (TEN-see-ah): Southernmost populated country in the known world.